Another Year Closes

Wow, another year is quickly coming to a close.  As I look back over the months and read through my yearly and monthly goals, I see it has been a productive year.  My memoir is being edited and will be out on the Kindle later this winter, and I have a novel almost ready for first readers before looking for a publisher.

I always enjoy starting a new year and dreaming up new goals and challenges.  I like to get out new calendars and flip through the old ones, remembering events, both happy and sad.  Some say this week between Christmas and New Year’s is a letdown or “dead weight” or just takes up space.  Not for me.  I look through what I accomplished last year (or didn’t) and make many lists of projects around the house or in my writing I’d like to get done by New Year’s Day and more lists of what I want to get done throughout the coming year.  I put away Christmas decorations and arrange my snowmen around the house and sometimes redecorate a little.  It is usually a busy week for me.  I drop off overflowing bags to charity, clean out cupboards and drawers and reorganize a little as I go.  I also am not teaching my children during this time, so have more time to work on these lists and activities before we start our next semester. 

I look forward to a new year with its possibilities and dreams, wondering what the future will bring.  There is hope for another productive year, and peace knowing I’m where I’m supposed to be, doing what I’m called to do, and loving those around me.  May you look forward to another year with hope and peace as well. 

Happy New Year!


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6 Responses to Another Year Closes

  1. susan says:

    Good going. That is a great way to look at the week between Christmas and New Years.



  2. bredkrums says:

    I feel exactly the same. I can’t wait for the new calendar and new spreadsheet in Excel. Let’s accomplish things this year that we will be thrilled to look at between Christmas and New Year’s this year!! Pat


  3. bredkrums says:

    Oh, Michelle, You make me want to get organized and be efficient. Two foreign concepts for me! Thanks for a good/productive/interesting read. Bev.


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